Scientific nature
How do you know if the information you have found is scientific information?
Scientific information is based on scientific research and written by researchers. Scientific journals and articles can be distinguished from non-scientific material by their layout and contents.
Google Scholar / Google
A search in Google Scholar yields fewer results than a search in Google. The search results are quite different as well.
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Google Scholar is specifically aimed at searching for scientific information, but how can you tell? Which of the details mentioned below can be found in the search results in Google Scholar, but not in Google? (tick all correct answers) |
Trade journal / Scientific journal
Consult this table for more information about the authors of different information types as well as their target audiences.
Table of contents A |
Table of contents B |
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Which table of contents belongs to a scientific journal? |
Article A |
Article B |
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Which of these is a scientific article? |
Peer review
In the context of scientific publications, peer review is the process used to assess the quality of submitted contributions.