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Information sources

In addition to your search query, your search plan should also include an overview of the document types that you are looking for and the information sources you can use to find them. You will find a brief overview of possible document types and the accompanying information sources below.

More sources

There are many more information sources available. Depending on your subject, a more specific database can, for example, yield better search results.

Find your information sources on the pages with information per faculty...

...or you can find them in the TU Delft Library A-Z source list....


You are looking for an article from the International Journal of Vehicle Design. In which information source/database can you find a description of an article from this journal?

That is correct: in Web of Science.This is incorrect. You will find descriptions of journal articles in Web of Science.Your answer has been saved.
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Adapting your search query to the information source

Every information source has its own rules for formulating search queries. Adapt your search query to each information source by using the right search operators.


You are looking for articles in Google Scholar about cars but not about their design. Enter the correct operators in the search query below.

(car cars vehicle*) design

(car OR cars OR vehicle*) -design

First the synonyms "car", "cars", and "vehicle" are combined with OR. Then the aspect "design" is excluded with the minus symbol.

In most databases you use the operator NOT to exclude aspects, but in Google and Google Scholar you have to use the minus symbol, and in Scopus you have to use the operator AND NOT.

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